Handmade speaker basic lecture @-1
            The onime nut was attached in the D-101S super swan.

       Attachment of a Onime nut
                                    Masao Ida
 It is a basic lecture for making a handmade speaker.
 From a beginner, please also looking-obtain maniacs and enjoy
 a handmade speaker.
 It was made the English version so that he could also understand
 overseas one.

            16cm / Onime nut for 20cm Onime nut for 10cm
          Middle is the state which drove the Onime nut into the board.


 The merit of a Onime nut, and attachment
 The Onime nut which the question and the request had than the reader was
 The Onime nut was attached to the unit of Fostex at the former limited unit.
 It is attachment of only a wood screw at the present regular unit. I want to attach
  a Onime nut.

 Even if there is no, in a little purchase, a price becomes high. Moreover, it does not
  know that attaches.
 It explains responding to these requests.

 The Onime nut for 10cm especially with much demand was developed. By the old
 network, it is most.
 The object for 10cm had neither description nor explanation.
 Since the attached photograph has also carried the actually attached object for
 10cm, please have a look.

  Also start sale.
 The direction which makes a speaker newly and introduces a Onime nut, and the
  speaker are completed.
 It can respond also to the direction to exchange for a Onime nut from a wood


 The order of a Onime nut is performed with E-plywood material cut service.
 Please input into input form from the price list here.

 (Cautions) A Onime nut / bolt is sold .
 With E-plywood cut service, carrying in of the unit to be used A hole is vacated
  of a Onime nut
 Since it is needed, A hole is vacated does not carry out.
 The direction done by itself leads to progress of the work technology of a
  handmade speaker.
 If it does as explained, it can do firmly simply with it being unexpected.
 You understand and please examine attachment of a onime nut.

....................................................................... ........................................................................

 (1) The merit of a Onime nut

 It is that sound becomes good first.
 The attachment hole of a speaker is the oscillating board of not only the purpose
 that fixes a speaker unit but a unit.
 It is the concerned important part directly.

 Even if it usually sounds only with a unit, sound seldom comes out. Especially
 low-pitched sound stops coming out.
 It is just like that of the relation between an air-conditioner and a wall why
 low-pitched sound does not come out. An air-conditioner is alone.
 Even if it moves, room temperature does not change. However, it is if it attaches
 in a wall or a window and order is intercepted.

 Room temperature changes. If the same is said of the speaker and it intercepts
 unit order neither with a wall nor a box
 Low-pitched sound does not come out.

 Although it has influences of some also on loud sound and inside sound, since
 it is easy turning especially around low-pitched sound back
 It is influenced strongly.
 Since it fixes to wood with placing and a bolt directly, a demon nut is perfectly
 For this reason, The attachment hole of a speaker will become firmer and sound
 will become good from wood screw attachment.
  A board crack does not have exchange of a unit, either and it can be done simply.
 In attachment of a wood screw, climax can surely do the portion of a screw hole.
 By invasion of a screw
 Since Kibe is pushed out around a hole, it becomes climax and The attachment hole
 of a speaker and a frame are stuck.
 A crevice is made without carrying out.

 If this crevice is left as it is, it will cause [ of sound ] degradation.

 Moreover, although a wood screw is removed when a unit exchanges, a board crack
 takes place at this time.
 It will break, if it removes several times, and there is exchange of a unit, when
 becoming impossible.
 The cabinet which passed especially for many years becomes easy to break.
 It is the speaker made hard. Let's protect The attachment hole of a speaker firmly
 with a Onime nut.

 (1) Attachment of a Onime nut

  A required tool (it is the tool which I am using)

 (1) Charge Driver Drill and Drill for Woodwork


      the object for woodwork - drill SET IH-665 Charge driver drill CL-48
      6 Angle Eight are constructed. A hole is vacated. / screw bundle of wood
      3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10mm Right-and-left rotation change formula

            Made in Ito Product made from Nakatomi Industry

      A price is not high because of 1,029 yen in all / Made in China.

  It is a tool required to perform a handmade speaker. A hole is vacated. and the
 screw bundle of a screw
 In handmade business, it is quite required size, often using and Drill SET.
 Since it becomes very easy, those who do not have until now recommend you use.


   * Although 3mmx65mm comes from here,
     it is a 3mm(thickness) x65mm (length) thing.

 (3) 6 Angle Bit
  For 10cm 16cm / for 20cm

 Rokkaku bit BIT-13 Rokkaku bit BIT-14
  3mmx65mm 4mmx65mm
 It bolt [ with 6 Angle ]/Calls and is path M4 size. It bolt [ with the Rokkaku hole ]
 /Calls and is path M5 size.
 Screw bundle required in case it Screw bundle required in case it is used

 (2) Sandpaper
 When A hole is vacated. is carried out, the portion of a screw hole rises.
 This is taken with sandpaper.


  Attachment of a Onime nut

 (1) Attachment for 10cm

 A center speaker [ finishing / completion ] is exchanged for a Onime nut
 from a wood screw.


 Center speaker (unit FT48D / speaker grill KG810)
 The attachment hole of a speaker is the China plywood.
 It is made 30mm by 15mmx2.


 1. Remove the attached wood screw. Climax of what and a 2mm board was
 It has not removed until now and was personally surprised. you, a reader,
 It has done, if you also remove. (Smile)

 2. Do A hole is vacated. work with a driver drill.
 The relation between a onime nut and a bolt is important here.
 As for the object for 10cm, M4 using M4 means the diameter of a bolt by the
 industrial standard.

 The Onime nut for 10cm is a 4mmx10mm thing in the product made from
 zinc die-casting.
 A bolt is a 4mmx25mm thing in the product made from bolt carbon steel
 with 6 Angle

 Although a hole becomes larger than 4mm since a bolt enters into a Onime nut,
 if too large
 It passes, and if small, it will become the cause which it does not enter but is
 broken by placing.
 Lower hole entered without a Onime nut breaking in 6mm.
 A hole is vacated from the drill SET for woodwork using 6mm.

 It is careful to make . driver drill right-angled to a board.
. It has a driver with both hands and make it fix firmly.

 3. Drive in a onime nut with a hammer.
   A top turns the larger one up.

With no /spittle for Onime nut 10cm
                  A bolt with 6 Angle hole

 (This gentleman is not related to the frame of an entering unit firmly in a tree)


 4. Take climax of a board with sandpaper.

 5. The Onime nut was driven in.
 In addition, there is a hole of a frame from four holes to eight holes by the unit.
 Although 10cm is 4 hole necessity and it becomes eight holes from four holes
 16cm and 16cm, at least 10cm is.
 FE108EΣ is eight holes.


 6. with the Rokkaku hole - bolt 4mmx25mm is attached
 Attachment uses Rokkaku bit 3mmx65mm (standard M4) with a driver drill.

 The check of sound
 It attaches, although I understand, a charge driver drill is used, and they are A hole
 is vacated. and a bolt bundle.
 It is closed so intensely that it becomes more fearful than handmade business.
 A board and The attachment hole of a speaker became firm and sound became
 sharp rather than former.
 Exchange of a unit was completed satisfactory rather than anything, and it was
  attached with
 It is very well.

 How about performing [ your ] surely?



 (2) Attachment for 16Cm

 It attaches in square lumber in a tentative way.

 1. Attach by doing A hole is vacated. work with a driver drill.
 The relation between a Onime nut and a bolt is important here.
 M5 using M5 means the diameter of a bolt by the industrial standard 16cm / 20cm.

 16cm / Onime nut for 20cm is 5mmx13mm things in the product made from zinc
 A bolt is a 5mmx30mm thing in the product made from bolt carbon steel with
 6 Angle hole.

 Lower hole entered without a demon nut breaking in 8mm.
 A hole is vacated from the drill SET for woodwork using 8mm.


With no /spittle for Onime nut 16cm
                A bolt with 6 Angle hole

   (This gentleman is not related to the frame of an entering unit firmly in a tree)


 The Onime nut of Fostex (thing attached to FE208ES)

 Some spittle is related to the frame of the existing /unit.
 A bolt is a bolt with 6 Angle hole and is 5mmx30mm.

 * A onime nut / bolt uses a better thing equivalent to Fostex.



 2. with the Rokkaku hole - bolt 5mmx30mm is attached
 Attachment uses Rokkaku bit 4mmx65mm (standard M5) with a driver drill.

 About the object for 16cm Doing is the same as 10cm.
 Although M4/M5 come out
 In 10cm, although M4 was used, the demon nut / bolt / Rokkaku bit was displayed
 as M4. It can use, if a thing is used.
 M5 is used 16cm / 20cm.


 (3) Attachment of Adapter Ring / Speaker Grill

 It attaches to a D-101S super swan.
 P108 adapter ring / KG810 speaker grill is also attached.

 Although it turns out that it removes, P108 adapter ring is very beautiful
 and elaborate.
 fixation of a wood screw - some - I feel that that is right


 1. a wood screw - attachment / P108 adapter ring / KG810 speaker grill
  remove all


 2. Do A hole is vacated work with a driver drill.
 The onime nut for 10cm to attach is a product made from zinc die-casting, and
 is 4mmx10mm.
 The number of the holes to vacate is eight holes. It is an object for Onime nut
 10cm, and they are eight pieces.


 3. Attachment of P108 Adapter Ring
 A bolt is a product made from bolt carbon steel with 6 Angle hole
  and is 4mmx25mm.

 In order to also attach KG810 speaker grill, it is a bolt with 6 Angle hole to 4
 holes of the upper and lower sides/width.

 4. Attachment uses Rokkaku bit 3mmx65mm (standard M4) with a driver drill.

 A bolt is a product made from bolt carbon steel with 6 Angle hole, and is
 When not using KG810 speaker grill, it stops in all eight holes.

 5. Attach KG810 speaker grill.

 After carrying out a bolt stop to four holes of the upper and lower sides/width,
 it is a product made from bolt carbon steel with 6 Angle hole, and it is
 It and stops in four slanting holes.
 Since a speaker grill is thick, it does not stop at 4mmx25mm.
 4mmx35mm is required.

 * When using a speaker grill, 5mmx40mm is required of 16cm / 20cm.


 It felt by attachment of a Onime nut.

 It was important whether the exit of sound is made to receiving sound. An
 old center
 It is that there is climax of a board as that when a Onime nut is attached
 in a speaker.
 I did not consider. Although it became the intense thing remaining unmoved
 this time, it overlooks that it is unexpected.
 A scalpel is put into having kept and the deep thing of an audio also changed
 the way.

 It understands, although there were more requests of a Onime nut until now
 than a reader. However, I am also busily.
 The Onime nut good still exactly was considered from last year.
 The Onime nut developed this time is attached in a speaker
   (10cm / 16cm / 20cm).

 A hole is vacated. of a Onime nut does not carry out with E-plywood cut
 this is fine in that the unit to attach is needed, and the number and size of
 a hole striking
 It is because is needed.
 Moreover, attachment of the completed speaker is impossible first.

 This page was made so that it might be attached by itself also in the more
 nearly first one.
 Attaching personally and raising the woodwork technology of a handmade
 speaker I think that it is important.

 A unit has not been attached although the question 1. onime nut was attached.

 Answer Attach a unit with a wood screw first. Since it is a wood screw, although
 it can do immediately
 Please measure the position of a unit by ruler correctly and come in the center.
 Next, a wood screw is removed and it is made for the point of a drill to come
 to the center of a hole.
 The rest is made in A hole is vacated./attachment.

 Since a himself will be strongly devoted if it does too much strongly and and a
 lower hole are too small, in case a themselves is devoted with a hammer
 The upper part of a Onime nut breaks and a bolt stops entering.
 It finds out whether a bolt is sometimes put in and it enters, looking at a
 in case a itself is devoted with a hammer.
 Please give.

 If a question 2. Onime nut is ordered in a maker's network, it is expensive.

 Answer Although I also did, if little, it was surprised, although it was severe and
 was high.

 One kind costs no less than 200 yen putting a plastic bag into it. If it is not
 a bulk order It does not become cheap.

 Although the portion into which a screw is tightened damages a question 3.
 wood screw, how is it with a bolt?

 Answer Metal of a wood screw is weak, and while fastening, it is damaged. If it
 attaches repeatedly and removes, a board will also break.
 Attachment becomes impossible.

 Since the bolt with 6 Angle hole is a product made from carbon steel, it is very
 hard, and the portion to fasten is not damaged.
 Even if it attaches repeatedly and removes, neither a board nor a bolt is influential.
 Since a onime nut is driven in into a board, it does not become a thing like a wood



E-speaker service E-plywood cut service Handmade speaker Basic lecture 01  0  (1)  (1)-1 (2)  (3)  (4)  (5)  (6)  (7)  (8)  (9)  (10)
 Copyright (C) 2007 by SOUND PLAZA IDA Copyright (C) by 2000 MASAO IDA
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     6-8-10, Miyamoto, Funabashi-shi, Chiba-ken Sound plaza Ida
                  call 425-4445 (047)
Sound plaza Ida/ 6-8-10, Miyamoto, Funabashi-shi, Chiba-ken/Japan